The blood ties are cultivated by the egg and sperm in the womb that eventually becomes the family members of the home. In both the womb and the home, growth and development must occur in order to establish and preserve the blood ties. When this process is abandoned in either case, it causes heightened emotions, disruption, and pain due to blood loss. If blood is what ties you to the family, blood loss is indicative of the potential for loss in the family ties.

Regarding divorce, the Qur’an states that there should be a waiting period of three readings (Quraa) to get an honest determination of what has accumulated in the womb. Will this bleeding lead to loss or will something be conceived that will stop the bleeding and bring about new life? Both the womb and home environments are to be read. At this time, everything should be brought out in order that the environment can be purged and cleaned.

Every month, women are reminded of their honorable position as the Care Taker of the womb and should see this as a sign that it should be carefully guarded, as well as the home.


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